Our Story

The Healthy Aging Foundation (HAF)

The Healthy Aging Foundation (HAF) is a not-for-profit educational organization of collaborative kindred spirits that empowers aging by sharing our cumulative knowledge and wisdom.

Our mission is to raise awareness of healthy aging and the science of living longer.

We are re-branding the Life Transformation Institute (established 2007) to the Healthy Aging Foundation (HAF) with a new mandate. LTI has already hosted several educational events, published books and guides:

Photos of LTI Past Events and Meetings


Seniors are the fastest-growing age group in Canada and around the world. By the year 2026, seniors will constitute more than one out of every five people.

Programs & Initiatives

The turbulent time has highlighted cracks in our understanding of keeping us healthy.

We aim to level the playing field by establishing the Healthy Aging Foundation with a mission to provide health educations. We are embarking on this mission by taking the following initiatives:

  1. Online Health Symposiums (LIFE-TALKS)
  2. Annual Conference (@Retreat)
  3. Monthly newsletter (LIVE now-AGE later)
  4. Listing & Publishing Books (Books to Live Now)
  5. Listing & Publishing Articles & Other Resources (Resources to Live Now)

The HAI is open to everyone who wishes to live healthy for the rest of their life.

Explore our Team and participate.

To explore opportunities for presenting and partnership, please email.

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